Thursday, July 26, 2012

A rocky road...

I haven't posted in exactly one month.  Where does the time fly?

Well, I bought some new shoes and it looks like my black toe nail problems are resolving itself, or is it?  Either it's the extra 1.5 sizes larger shoe, or its the lack of mileage, or it could be both.

Two weeks ago, I was in Los Angeles, CA, where I attended all three days of the Crossfit Games.  Awesome experience.  The Home Depot Center is a small, yet large enough venue for the event, where all the attendees were almost as fit as the contestants.  Simply being in a crowd of fit people make you want to work harder at getting fitter.  Electrifying.  It's no wonder that, I've only missed one wod since my return.

Running on the other hand is where I'm having great difficulties getting back into the groove of things.  Yeah, sure I have time to get back on track, but time flies, and if I don't keep conscientiously thinking about doing my miles, then I may be doomed.  I give myself until this Sunday, then this lazy vacation period is over!

Oh, and anyone has a special prayer/chant/dance/whatever, please do it now and as many times as possible, so this hot, humid weather can go AWAY!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Making solid strides forward...

I've been making solid progress in my training.  KO has been integrated into my cache of training partners and my ability to carry on a conversation while running has greatly improved.  No more simple answers like, uh huh and yes or no, for me!  Eight mile runs are becoming regular training distances.  The day I can run the entire way will be a glorious one for me.  (I know, I'm supposed to walk a minute or two every mile, but in Coach Todd's words, "get out of your comfort zone".)

With the increased number of longer runs, I've noticed that my long and middle toes are staying black and blue.  I even got a blood blister under one nail on one foot.  How strange is that?  Nails are as short as can be.  My shoe is a whole size larger than my normal shoe size, so wearing too small of a shoe isn't the likely culprit here.  But the toe box seems overly roomy, so now I'm thinking that this may be the problem.  My long toes get all banged up while running as my foot comes down.  My footstriking probably isn't the greatest, but without a professional coach, it isn't likely that I'll change.  Maybe I should just get fitted for shoes?  This time, it'll not be a binge purchase, but to buy a shoe out of actual necessity.  What a concept!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Who loves rollercoasters?

I used to love rollercoasters, esp when Magic Mountain in So. Cal. was new and now I think the amusement park has or will soon close down for good for something like 10,000 homes.  So sad.

It's been almost two weeks since I last blogged.  How time flies when one is having fun.  Yesterday, I ran 8.5 miles with the Honolulu Marathon Clinic.  Group running can be fun, esp when you have a friend and you start to make more friends within the group.  The run was at a unexpected slow 17 min pace, which surprisingly I figured out that its a pace that I can almost walk and still keep up with the group.  A fellow HAF crossfitter saw me on the road on her way to church and yelled out about how much she was jealous of me that I was out on the road doing my thing.  It's motivating to hear your name being yelled out loud across Kalanianiole Hwy during mid-run.  Now I know why Japanese support groups pay local people to hold signs and cheer for the runners during marathon day.  lol

This month, June, the HM clinic advises that we should be running 22 miles a week.  This leaves 13.5 miles for me to get done within the next five days.  This is my rollercoaster!  I find the motivation to do the necessary work, then I misplace it, and back up the hill again only to go back down with motivation.  Well people, after much lamenting on my part and much support on your part, I think I have figured out my path to a smoother ride.  Two things motivate me, one - buying new workout apparel and two - working out with friends!  I will enjoy wearing my Innov-8 shoes at HAF to crossfit. And, I have two run dates with friends set for this week, so this week's homework miles WILL get run!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Getting my Groove back on...

After crying through my post last week, I've been working to get my groove back on.  A few friends gave me some great feedback for which really helped me get my thoughts out of the doldrums.  You know who you are so thank you for your thoughts!

At the start of each month, the HNL marathon clinic adds two miles to their weekly training runs.  This past Sunday, was the first time in three weeks that I attended, and the run was up to 9 miles.  (Panic, only because I really just wanted to go back to bed and lounge the day away!)  In summary, my endurance needs lots work.  The good news is though that I made it through the run with the front half of the group!

I'm rethinking my goals. For the last eight days, I've done at least one kind of workout every day. But, you know what, it really is just about staying healthy, happy, and mentally enjoying the progress, no matter how insignificant my strides may seem.  Afterall, exercise is like loose change, small amounts at some point total up into large amounts of money.

Happy National Running Day, People!  Run at least a 100 meters and enjoy it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

This little lamb has lost her way....

Two weeks ago, I was on a exercise roll...  I was beginning to find balance in Crossfit, my Runs, and even found Yoga.  One day, my body said, 'please, can we have just one day off?'.  I agreed.  Oh boy, did it get me into trouble.  I have yet to return to my training with the same level of commitment that I left off at.  I'm forcing myself to go to do a half-hearted wod or yoga sessions, some days I've been doing both.  Unfortunately, I'm having difficulty with getting my runs done....

Summer is practically upon us and everyone else seems to be gearing up their 'practice' to the next level, but I'm feeling lost and unmotivated.  I want to cry for the lack of motivation!  Let's hope this shall pass and soon!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Training Hurdles - Hydration & Nutrition

Last week, I had two running things on the brain - toe socks and GU (provided by my cheerleader,GMT).  Both of which I had just learned about, but was only brave enough to try and fall in love with toe socks. 

This past weekend, several seasoned marathoners gathered at our box (gym) to talk/coach others on what to expect while training and during the HNL marathon.  During this chat session, they stressed the importance of drinking water at every water station (staying hydrated from the start!) and figuring out how to fuel yourself before and during the run.  Basic tip - "Avoid caffeine if it bothers your system.  If not, and if it works for you, do it."

Last week, I still had doubts on the GU and shot block options of mid-run nutrition.  Big D even suggested a sweet potato option, which I promptly made a few to test, but in my fine fashion, haven't yet tried it during a run.  Although it's been ages since I ate frosting straight from the bowl, I got over my dilemma and had some chocolate GU during my Sunday long run.  I waited until mile 6 of 7 to try it though for fear of having immediate intestional issues.  It was pretty good, albeit really, really sweet, so I had to chase it with water.  My tummy was a little upset right after consumption, but only for about the next 2 - 3 minutes, and it could possibly be from all the water I had been drinking during our run.  Next time, I'm gonna try a non-caffeinated mint chocolate GU and consume it earlier into my long run and see how that goes.

My mileage is slowly increasing without too much additional effort and I like it.  I'm still coming to grips with taking it easy with Crossfit though, as we've been doing more intense wods because we're following the spirit of the Crossfit Regionals that are going on around the world and upcoming Games where the World's Fittest is crowned in July.  Truly, exciting and inspiring stuff!  However, as the months go on, I'm certain I will improve the balance between my running/crossfit training schedule.  Just attacking one hurdle at a time, one at a time that's all, easy, right?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Toe socks are the winner!

Sundays are supposed to be rest days, but not in the marathon training world.  It's a work day...

As promised, I tried out my latest running tip - toe socks.  I put them on right before I left the house.  I kept thinking am I nuts for wearing these on a six miler?  Should I test them out on a short three miler instead, I tried to reason with myself.  Oh shoot, I decide to just wear them.   It's only six slow miles afterall.

The verdict? These socks are the bomb and I highly recommend them to everyone.  It sort of spreads your toes apart, and I think that actually helped me to avoid getting tired during the run.

The other promise - try the shot blocks or GU.  Since my last post, more friends gave me advice on flavors to try, but I still can't do it, maybe next week.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sharing is caring!

Two tips:  Clif Shot Blocks and injinji toe socks.

I still can't bare the thought of 'eating' goo for sustenance during a long run, so Big D tipped me onto trying shot blocks which are chewable and organic to boot.  There are so many flavors, including margarita, however, I erred on the side of caution and bought berry flavors. 

And, the need to deal with the issue of big toe/long toe chafe and sock 'break-in' as part of my training, so Coach T suggested ininji toe socks. I semi-literally ran (I drove) to the Running Room to try these socks. It took a single minute to get over the strangeness of having each toe covered before my brain registered, 'oooh, this could work to eliminate chafe after glide wears off'.

I purchased both shot blocks and socks on the spot. Now, I'm gonna try both this Sunday as my mileage is supposed to increase by two or so more miles.

Lesson(s) learned:  Talking to others to share your pains and successes can reduce your learning curve.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Transitions can be difficult, but change is always good.

The end of the Spring semester can't come soon enough.  I'm transferring to another program at another school, so that I can finish sooner than later.  In any case, my educational path is following my fitness journey.  I'm still enjoying my Crossfit time, but I realize that must be serious and start to increase my run mileage regularly.

This past week, I actually logged over ten miles in three runs, not counting any runs during my xfit wods.  This is by far the most that I have ever run in any given month, ever!  When a friend posted on FB that she couldn't attend a special event because of her previously planned 'training' session, it hit me like a revelation on wednesday morning that 'there is absolutely no reason for me not to run today'.  Even though it was already past 8:30am and the sun was already out, I got my laziness out of bed.  Heat and I don't get along, unless of course, I am on the beach or at a resort drinking mai tais poolside.  I ended up logging a hearty 7.4 mile jog.  Another good thing garnered out of this miracle event was that I started logging my runs via

Tracking run routes and times energizes me simply because it keeps me in tune with my efforts.  When the app gave me instant feedback of "Good Job" after logging my my weeks run workouts, it felt really good and motivating to keep up my runs.  Every bit helps!

Thanks, Big D, for nudging me today to update my blog.  Man, where does the time go?  And, quadruple thanks to Hot Momma class for kicking into high gear!  More on this later.....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Basic training: I can only imagine how hellacious it could be for the unfit.

So, here I am, a crossfitter for two years now and I can barely run continuously for four or five miles.  Yeah, I know I'll get there, but I feel as though I should already be there.  I'm such a lazy runner, but thank goodness for wonderful friends.  Friends, like Robin, Courtney, Tiff, and Gay, who encourage me to keep running or better yet, push me to keep going and ignore the 'lazy' thoughts in my head.  And, the other friends, like Deanna, Di, Monica, Jai, and so many others from HAF, who simply ask me how my marathon training is going.  All this pressure is working and I appreciate it!  Now, if I could only look forward to doing my weekly running homework.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Change is good

The 2012 Crossfit Open is officially done.  My worldwide standing for my age group is 577th place.  I was told by a very good friend to embrace my performance, so I will, perhaps with a henna tattoo.  Until the next Open, I will work on my goats, as they say, pullups being the first to be conquered.

The first Warrior Dash (3 miles of running and obstacles) came into town last week.  At the start of the race, the HAF group decided to do 30, 20, 10 squats at each of the mile markers.  This was a great event to transition from Crossfit Open to marathon training.

Now, I get serious and work on logging regular running miles.  My exercise journal is full of HAF wods, but now I need to transition that into at least 50% wods and 50% running days.  I think I forsee many double workout days as I cannot give up my Crossfit or my HAF family, but it is time to embrace change.  Say goodbye and good riddance to the belly!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm so hungry...

It's week three of the Crossfit Open.  I was dreading the very long 18 minute 12.3 wod up to the very moment that I HAD to do it.  Going in I said, I'd be happy with 3 - 5 rounds, but secretly, I thought I could get all 5 rounds.  It wasn't happening.  The fifteen 20" tire jumps, then the twelve 75# overhead presses weren't easy but I was able to crank those out.  My failure was getting my toes to touch the bar!  I wasted so much energy on lost reps.  Well, at least now I know what to work on - core and hip strength!

Lesson(s) learned:  Work on improving pre-event hunger/nutrition.  I lost energy and focus mid-wod because I felt the need to eat something. Everyone else wants to puke and I want to eat?  What's wrong with me?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Downtime is good, it can clear the mind....

For the past few days or so, the weather has been mediocre to downright awful - rainy, full of lightening, and thunderously loud at times.  Even though I have left the house, I often found myself wanting to simply stay in my pjs and stay in bed watching chick flicks.  Happy to say, I didn't give in to my temptation, but I have taken three more 'rest' days then planned.

Today was my first day back in the gym.  Wednesday's are strength day, where we practice our lifts and then do a short 5 - 10 minute metcon wod, so I kinda knew what to expect.  After our Press, Push Press lifts, the wod consisted doing as many reps of the dreaded double-under jump rope movement.  The rope passes under your feet twice for each jump.  (psst, secret, people - I CANNOT do this movement.)  In two years, I have done one double-under successfully and that was during wod 11.1 in last year's Crossfit Open.  And, I haven't done a single one since then either.  "Aiyaiyai", I'm thinking, "but what the heck I'm gonna try anyway".  Low and behold, after a little focus, I actually got TWO double-unders!!!

Right about now, you're thinking, what the heck is she babbling about.  Haha, okay people, let me tell you.  My revelation is that I just need to keep my focus and get in the 'car' (i.e. do lots of solid work), and drive myself down that road to attaining my goal of running a marathon! 

Lesson(s) learned:  A small occasional detour from the training path can be useful.  In this case, my extended down time helped to clear my head of some fears and renewed my optimism that I can complete the Honolulu Marathon in December, I just need to keep my focus on the prize - reaching the finish line.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Just keep moving.....

Last week was the first week of the Crossfit Open.  The workout a mere seven minutes of as many burpees as you can do, but have you ever done a burpee?  If you have, you know it can be a lung burner.  Burpee: from a standing position, get down on the floor (chest touching), then get up, and jump so that both hands touch a point that is six inches higher then your standing reach.  I did the wod once and got a score of 57.  Not the greatest, but I had no desire to repeat my efforts, especially since I did another wod just three hours prior.

This is week two.  The wod is to do as many snatches (barbell ground to overhead in one quick movement) as possible within a ten minute period with the prescribed ladder: 30 reps each in order, 45#, 75#, 100#, then 120#.  As soon as this wod dropped on Tuesday, I was estatic because I know this is something that I can do!  I enjoy barbell work.  My first validation attempt gained me a score of 55.  With several fellow HAF members encouraging me, I did a second attempt today and increased my score by 5 to 60!  I literally moved 3,600 pounds today.

I don't really have a competitive bone in my body, so this whole experience of 'competing' in this Open is really exhilarating for me.  I love all the encouragement and extra coaching from my HAF coaches and members.  Thank you to everyone at HAF for the unconditional support!

Crossfit Open wod 12.2 - Snatches (75# here and almost pau)
Lesson(s) learned:  Keep moving and relax are the key coaching points taken away from today's competition.  Pace is everything. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Choices, a decision of choosing one option or another

It's Crossfit Open season, so  my decision to participate was made without much thought.  The Open is five weeks of unexpected, grueling kind of  wods, none of which are known until the Wednesday afternoon of each week and performed on that Saturday at the box (gym) with others cheering you on.  Scores are posted worldwide and you get to see where your fitness falls into place.  My fellow crossfitters at Hardass Fitness are so motivating and just fun people that I couldn't NOT join the HAF team.  Mind you, I have no delusions of winning anything, but just being able to say, "I did it and I wasn't always last", makes it a winning experience for me.  Sure, the Open may put a cramp on my pre-marathon training efforts, because I am often left sore after a solid wod.  Leaving me feeling lazy, since I feel like I worked out already, then the excuse-making starts for not doing a run session.  In the end though I think my decision to do the Open will make me a stronger person, both mentally and physically, as I have to 'perform' in front of 'others'.  In this case, the others are my friends and fellow HAFers, but during the marathon, it'll just be a whole bunch of 'strangers' watching me- nerve racking to say the least.

Lesson(s) learned: Don't do a 20 minute wod (Crossfit jargon - workout of the day) just hours before doing the Open wod. It doesn't lead to a grand result. On the other hand, I am training my body to be able to endure longer periods of having to work and that is my primary focus, so everything else experienced is simply gravy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Aftermath of the Great Aloha Run

It's now two full days after I completed my second Great Aloha Run, an 8.15 mile fun race with my Hardass Fitness Crossfit buddies, GT and CS.  My body has pretty much fully recovered as I ran a full mile today during my Crossfit workout.  I have a little tinge of guilt though because I made a good friend (CS) run the GAR with me even though I probably should have convinced her to stay home in bed because her sore throat has now turned into laryngitis.  My sincerest apologies, CS!  Get better my friend, so we can get back to business of getting more fit!

Lesson(s) learned on this outing:  Make sure your toenails are sufficiently trimmed, otherwise, your toes will be numb for days after.  And, glide works well!